Buying a House in BC: Top 3 Things to Look for


The roof is one of the biggest areas worth inspecting on your walk-through of a house because repairs are necessary and costly. (Photo by stock.xchng) House-hunting can be exciting. You’re walking through houses and painting yourself in the rooms, and it’s easy to get lost in the romance of it on the way to see your Okanagan mortgage broker. Since buying a house in Kelowna or any city in BC is also one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, logic should also play a big part in your decision.

To help you choose the house that’s right for you, we’ve compiled a list of things to look for when buying a house.


Questions to ask when you’re house-hunting:

1. Do you love the location?

Remember, you can change a lot of things about your new house—the paint, the kitchen, the yard—but you can’t change where it is. Is it noisy? Near shopping? Are there trains or highways nearby? Are your neighbours looking directly down on your patio, leaving you with no privacy? If this is your first house, you might not mind some of these factors, but if you think you might be selling in five or even 10 years, consider what other potential buyers will think about them.

2. What are the neighbours up to?

You can’t pick your family, and you can’t pick your neighbours. If you’re seriously considering buying a property, spend a bit of time checking out the neighbourhood. Does anyone have a yappy dog that’s going to wake your baby? Or a rock ‘n’ roll band that rehearses in the garage next to your bedroom window? Does the neighbourhood feel safe and clean? Before you sign the dotted lines and secure a great rate with your Vernon mortgage broker, try to get a sense of the lifestyles of your neighbours to see if they fit with yours.

3.  What works? What’s broken?

When you’re on a walk-through, it’s important to spend some time thinking about the house beyond aesthetics so you’re not stuck with hefty repairs shortly after moving in.

Be sure to check the:

  • Drains. Any back-ups?
  • Windows. Do they stick or stay closed? How many need replacing?
  • Fireplace. Light a fire. Does it draft properly?
  • Toilets.
  • Air-conditioner and heating system. Do they work and get to the right temperature in a reasonable time?
  • Floors. What’s under the carpet–mold, mildew or hardwood?
  • Roof. Are there leaks or water stains near the chimney or ceiling?

Before you start looking at houses in Kelowna, pack this list of things to look for and have a chat with Vernon mortgage broker Peter Pogue about securing a great rate.

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